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The new Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is out and Microsoft is hoping that they have a winner on their hands. It's a sweet piece of technology, to be sure, with a 12-inch screen and a Core i3 processor for the base model, but, like previous Surface models, it's unlikely to experience the same level of success as Apple's iPad. Why is this?
Technically speaking, it needs to be 158°F for a raw egg to become firm. The summer heat doesn't get that hot, but outdoor objects like sidewalks and car hoods that come in contact with it can. Thus the phrase, "It's so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk!" When it's hot outside, you need to keep your server units cool inside.
Can you imagine a world where language isn't a barrier? Humanity would be able to achieve some crazy things, like perhaps rocketing a skyscraper into outer space! With every passing year, new technology innovations like Skype Translator chip away at the language barrier, making one bright and coherent future!
Windows XP is a product that has consistently performed well for Microsoft and it continues to see growth, even though it's not supposed to. With its support ending this past April, Windows XP was supposed to never be heard from again. Instead, XP is refusing to go quietly into the night by posting positive usage numbers for June 2014.
The technology for artificial intelligence isn't quite there yet, but according to a recent Turing Test performed at the University of Reading, there might be some hope for it in the near future. A Russian team has assembled a computer program called Eugene Goostman who many believe is the first to pass the Turing Test.
Anyone who has been following the recent trends in technological growth will come to the conclusion that mobile technology is more popular, and has taken its rightful place at the head of the pack. 2014 may see even more drastic shifts toward the mobile revolution, cementing its place as the preferred mode of computing.
The world is growing ever more mobile. We used to rely on landline telephones for communication, but portable cell phones have revolutionized the way that we communicate with each other. The fact that they can now connect to the Internet completely changes everything once again. While some people tend to use them for random games such as Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends, the smartphone is particularly valuable for a small business owner.
While technology has brought us a long way, there are still some telling remnants of how things used to be done. Take, for instance, the terms “cut,” “paste,” and “copy.”
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Plantation, Florida 33324